Friday, August 21, 2009

Part 2: Keep Your Flirt On: How To Flirt With Men

Flirting and Risking Your Heart

When you flirt with someone, you are putting yourself and your ego on the line! It certainly involves some risk. What does "risk" mean? Risk means that things might or might not go the way you want!

However, it is more than possible to flirt without putting your ego on the line.

Let's face it, the last thing any of us wants is for a man to flatten our ego with a cold, disinterested stare.

Don't worry, flirting does not mean that you go up to a stranger, sit in his lap, throw your arms around his neck and say, "Wow, you're hot, where do I get in line for some of YOUR attention?"

It is possible to arrange situations much more subtly than that. In fact, you can be such a stealth flirt that no one will ever see it coming until you've already engaged them in an innocent conversation.

First, are you relaxed? I mean really. When was the last time you took some slow, deep breaths?

Worried women do not flirt well.

But let's face it - we live in a tense age. And this isn't always bad when it comes to love. Slightly neurotic women have been known to rock men's worlds to the core. So if you're a little bit stressed out, just be so in a charming way. It can be done!

Flirting is about charm, about allure, and about making an intense connection with the person you want. Flirting can catch us off-guard - it often starts when we least expect it.

That's one thing which makes it such incredible fun.

Flirting can take you from NICE to CHARMING. A true flirt uses almost every encounter with a man to make him feel more like a man - making him feel charmed and wanted and special.

Men love it when a woman cares enough to flirt with them. Flirting sends a man the kind of message that is vital to his sense of masculinity and his self-esteem. There are a lot of people out there who are simply starved for this kind of attention.

Why not flirt a little more today than you did yesterday?

Start with a warm smile for everyone. That's the first step in practicing flirting. And smiling is not against the law, the last time I checked.

But what if you don't habitually flash everyone a big smile as you go about your day? In that case, don't make sudden radical changes in your behavior. That can cause your associates and co-workers to wonder what's up with you, and can cause your children to say things such as, "That was random, Mom..."

The best way to incorporate a new behavior in your life is in small doses. Otherwise, you may abandon a good effort prematurely. Stay with it. Just flirt a LITTLE more today - than you did yesterday - starting with smiling MORE. At everyone.

If you're married, small changes are a great way to start being more flirtatious with your husband. Start with a longer kiss hello or goodbye. Start showing more happiness with the world and with him. Little changes go a long way.

Flirting says, "I find you attractive - I notice that you are a man – and I am a woman!"

It's a message that will never, ever go out of style.

Have a great day - and remember to keep your flirt on!

With love,
Mimi Tanner
Author of "Secrets of Flirting With Men"

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