Sunday, October 9, 2016

The Exact Words To Say To Him When You're Upset

"If he really cares about me..."

Have you ever thought:

If he really cares about me, then he'll make me a priority.

If he really cares about me, then he'll care about how this affects me.

What is the solution to this frustration?

Do you see the frustration on his end? When you do, you can create the solution.

The secret is: how to make what YOU WANT go together with what HE NEEDS - according to my good friend Bob.

"What he craves is serenity," says relationship expert Bob Grant, LPC.

"He wants an emotional connection with you… without having to go through an emotional workout," states Bob.

"If he knows that listening to you calms you down, makes you feel more affectionate, then he sees that listening to you is helpful."

Here's the problem - you may expect him to just "get" you - according to Bob, who has been helping his clients for over 20 years.

So I have a huge treat for you right now.

I'm going to tell you the exact words Bob recommends to say to him when you're upset.

According to Bob Grant, say this: “I’m a bit overwhelmed right now.”

Bob says, "Say this slowly and softly, even if you don’t feel like it.

"Then just wait.

"Wait for him to respond. Wait for your words to sink in. Wait for the guard around his heart to slowly lower and you’ll see that he actually wants to help you."

That's just one example of the magic of Bob Grant!

Bob's signature book is "The Woman Men Adore"

For ten years now, women have been writing to me to tell me how much this book helps them:

"This book is a godsend!"

"I cried when I read it - this is the missing piece!"

I rarely recommend books, as you know... don't get me started on why... But this is a rare exception:

Find out how to become The Woman Men Adore.

With love,
Mimi Tanner