Thursday, August 20, 2009

Part 1: Keep Your Flirt On - How To Flirt With Men

It is my firm belief that any woman can flirt; in fact, most of us have an innate sense of how to flirt, even the shyest among us!

"Don't try to deny it!"

(You just heard a good flirting remark right there. Using that phrase will instantly spark a flirtatious atmosphere.)

Some women are already very good flirts and are seeking to improve their skills. Others are very shy and find it difficult to flirt. Still others may or may not be in the market to flirt right now, but they know this important truth - "use it or lose it" when it comes to getting your flirt on.

Flirting is something the best wives do with their husbands; the most sensuous women do with their boyfriends or would-be boyfriends. Flirting infuses every relationship with fun and affection.

Almost every relationship between a man and woman can be enhanced with some form of innocent - or not so innocent - flirting.

Flirting can happen in three ways - when you initiate the flirting; when someone else initiates the flirting with you; or those happy occasions when the flirting 'spontaneously combusts' and you both start flirting at the same time! As long as both are willing participants, it's absolute magic.

The enormous impact of flirting is generally unrecognized - it is considered to be an amusing pastime which can lead to some very pleasant feelings, and which can spark relationships. All that is true, but flirting is FAR more than that!

For example - how do you think you got into this world in the first place? There is a strong possibility that flirting was involved.

I rest my case: flirting is massively important. Flirting changes lives and the course of history.

Flirting often starts at a tender age - usually in elementary school. If you think back to your school days, you're sure to remember a case of flirting - and it probably included a lot of blushing, too.

You can read about my first blush with flirting at Secrets of Flirting, but here is a little more of the back story. I was on the receiving end of flirting for what may have been the first time. I was in a piano class at SMU for promising nerdy little musicians (that was me) and so was this guy named Joe. For several years, about 7 of us took a group and private class each week. This event happened when we were in the 6th grade, I think.

I felt so unappealing that year because my mom once again urged me to get a short haircut and I came out looking exactly like Buster Brown. So this classmate Joe started calling me "Buster" all the time! Even after my hair grew out (that was absolutely the last time in my life I ever had my hair short), Joe still called me "Buster." It vexed me, but like most 11-year-olds, I did not know that this kind of teasing was a sign of affection! So actually, when he said to me, "You're blushing," what he actually said was, "You're blushing, Buster." And the way he said this was truly sexy and devastating, even if he was 11 years old!

It took a while for the whole thing to sink in my brain that he liked me. I didn't know what to do, and was mortified about the red face, so that was the end of that conversation! LOL.

You can read about my little "moment of truth" with Joe on Secrets of Flirting!

The fact is that we all have an innate flirt. You can bring out that flirt gently - I know some women are afraid of their inner flirt! They do worry that once unleashed, they might change forever.

It's not that drastic - you are in control. Flirting is kind. Flirting is considerate. Flirting is paying attention. Flirting is making the other person feel special - sincerely.

Have a great day - and remember to keep your flirt on!

With love,
Mimi Tanner
Author of "Secrets of Flirting With Men"

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