Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to all!

This is a wonderful CD - "Celtic Woman" Christmas Album.
Rest in peace to Harold Pinter, the Nobel-prize-winning author of my all-time favorite movie. It's a play but I know it best as the movie, for which he wrote the screenplay as well: "Betrayal," Harold Pinter. I wish I could have met him.

I can never explain fully why "Betrayal" is such a favorite for me but I never get tired of that one and find it full of new discoveries with new viewings. For some reason it inspires and restores me. Some movies remind us of who we are / what we appreciate / when things are too busy. Saw this first in theatres and my boyfriend at the time was upset by the film because he felt like he "didn't get it..." - saw it at the Prytania Theatre in New Orleans. And I've liked it more and more ever since. It's definitely not for everyone - must love movies which are mainly dialogue!