Tuesday, June 16, 2009

FDA is Dissing Zicam - What???

You've got to be kidding me. The FDA says that Zicam can cause someone to lose their sense of smell.

They finally find a cure for the common cold - Zicam, which works like gangbusters - and now someone wants to shut it down. I sense a conspiracy. (ha) Zicam must be making a dent in doctor visits...

You SHOULD get Zicam; the best kind is the one that you use the Q-tip type applicator for... it has not hurt my sense of smell; I love the smell of perfume, roses, coffee, and not in that order, and my sense of smell is working fine!

Zicam rocks. It gets rid of your cold symptoms within one day. When you have a cold, it's not fun.

The FDA should spend their time on getting rid of the high sugar and starch content in fast food and outlaw drive-thru windows if they want to impact public health in a way that will really count!

And now, back to our regularly scheduled program...


  1. Mimi,

    I love you to death, but endorsing a product that the FDA has issued a warning about just because you haven't suffered any side effects could get you into a lot of trouble. I'm no fan of the FDA and I don't believe that they always have the people's best interest at heart, but people were posting on the Internet about this unfortunate side effect when Zicam first came out, so in this case I believe it is a real problem. And losing your sense of smell may not seem like such big deal, but you depend on your sense of smell a lot more than you think, and without it, you might find yourself in lifethreatening situations since you won't be able to smell smoke when something is on fire, or gas when there is a gas leak. I had no idea how much I was actually using my sense smell every day until i lost it for about 6 weeks after a cold a few years back, and it was a scary experience. It actually happened right around the time Zicam first came out, and before it happened I was all gung ho about trying Zicam, even after reading about some people losing their sense of smell, because it seemed like a chance worth taking, but after experiencing life without a sense of smell for 6 weeks, I changed my mind. I'd rather feel crappy for a few days every once in a while than lose my sense of smell forever.


    P.S. Please note that my experience was not related to Zicam in any way.

  2. Pia, I'm stating my opinion, so I don't understand how that would get me in trouble. Zicam is still on the market also, I noticed. My reason for posting about it is that after it seems that there finally is a "cure for the common cold" and then they want to remove it.

    This is on the heels of taking away our chocolate chip cookie dough also because of people eating it raw etc. !! That's my daughter's favorite snack. But now she is reluctantly no longer eating it uncooked.

    You're right that losing one's sense of smell IS a huge deal and is part of the quality of life, and if indeed Zicam caused this then it would be right to do something about it.

    My issue is that I don't like big government agencies that can wreck reputations and that seem to be run by special interests and big bucks, so whatever the latest dire warning, I have a low amount of trust in it. I wonder if there is something else behind it other than trying to help people.

    However, your point does indeed make me think carefully about this but it also makes me worry about just posting my opinion. I am already not a fan of Big Brother. I noticed on the stats of my own personal domain - which just about no one knows about - a visit was paid by some high tech Washington security firm. That was really weird.

    I know that's sort of off topic or "random" as my daughters would say, but the first thing in your post was that this "could get me in a lot of trouble." Wow, I'm barely on my 1st cup of espresso and now I have to worry about FDA thugs. :)

    Thanks for your first 5 words, they made the rest a lot easier to digest and consider.

    Well, we can have a Zicam debate here and see what others post. Or I can remove this one. I'll see what happens.

    Thank you, Pia, and yes, I certainly do not want people to lose their sense of smell. I just don't want good companies wrecked IF it's just because some people use a product in a way it is not intended.

    -- Mimi
